Empowering A Sustainable Future: Key Skills for Electrical Workers in Leading Australia’s Energy Transition
As Australia strides towards a sustainable future, the role of industrial electricians and electrical engineers is becoming ever more pivotal. In the evolving landscape of the energy sector, particularly within the resource industries, electricians are at the forefront of implementing and maintaining the technologies that power progress. Over the next decade, several key skills will […]
Continuing Professional Development (Tasmania)

If you are an electrical worker in Tasmania, you are required to maintain and develop your skills and knowledge through ongoing learning activities, referred to as Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The CPD has to be proven when you apply to renew your licence. This is to demonstrate that you have enough CPD related to your […]
Construction Training Fund WA
Competency Training are excited to announce we are now a bulk-biller with the Construction Training Fund (CTF) WA. Competency Training will pass on CTF subsidies of up to 80% of the cost for eligible participants for the following courses; High Voltage Switching Operations High Voltage Refresher Low Voltage Rescue Provide CPR Eligibility to access this […]
The competency conundrum: Why 90% of companies lack a competency framework
Companies seeking efficiency gains at every turn are increasingly utilizing technology as a potential game changer, but are missing a vital ingredient in deploying it to meet their goals. The fact is that technology on its own will achieve very little, if it’s not being deployed and managed by a skilled workforce. In many instances, […]
The Column: The boom, the bust and the gaps in between
By Brendan Newell The resources sector is no stranger to boom and bust, but it’s what companies are doing with the gaps in between that is incredibly interesting to observe, particularly in terms of the correlation to other industries. Uncertainty in the global economy, domestic politics and resource prices are creating a tough environment for […]
What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Under mutual recognition arrangements, CT is able to recognise all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) from across Australia. Accordingly, in some circumstances, students may be able to gain credit for part of their training course based on the qualifications and/or statements of attainment that […]
Upfront: Cutting through the bull
TRAINING PROVIDER PITFALLS TO AVOID If you’ve picked up a newspaper in the past 12 months, you’ll have noticed a lot of focus on the challenges in the vocational education industry, particularly where students have enrolled in courses operated by less-than-reputable providers. A number of high profile cases have further underlined how important it is […]
Securing Job Security
IS THERE SUCH A THING AS A SAFE JOB ANYMORE? The pressures in the job market, from the mining downturn to technological disruption of industry, often make it difficult to see yourself on a secure career path. Add to this relatively high overall unemployment figures and you have the perfect cocktail for fear, uncertainty and […]
Risky Business: Meeting Hazardous Area Compliance
The message we often hear is: “We need to know we’re good to commence operations as soon as we flick the switch after commissioning – that our worksite has been professionally inspected and is fully compliant.” How best do we minimize Hazardous Area risks to deliver a professional, skilled and compliant worksite from the get-go? […]
Risks of cutting corners with refresher training
In June 2016, an electrician suffered minor flash burns to his right forearm and left hand while performing modifications to a low voltage motor control centre. The power to the front compartment switchboard had been isolated and the busbars in the rear compartment remained energised. On removing the doors of the rear compartment to identify […]
QLD Training Awards: LogiCamms and CQU take out Premier’s Industry Collaboration Award
Our parent company, LogiCamms together with collaboration partner CQU (Central QLD University) received the Premier’s Industry Collaboration Award at the recent QLD Training Awards. This award acknowledges the ability to successfully collaborate with academic institutions, and lead industry involvement in innovative projects to the benefit of the local community. LogiCamms and CQU joined forces, with […]