Our Brisbane practical training centre received a makeover earlier this month, with our HV area now fully wired to provide realistic simulated switching. Our course material and delivery have also seen some changes, with some improvements made by our talented HV trainers to bring our nationally recognised course more into line with industry practice.
Inspired by our work in the field delivering HV training to QGC at their LNG operation in Chinchilla, we have introduced a number of interactive single-line diagrams into our course work. The diagrams are used in conjunction with our fully-simulated practical training equipment to provide students with exposure to both a ‘control room’ scenario as well as hands-on switching in the field, as they would find in the real world. Students will use laptops as part of their theoretical components, using the interactive diagrams to simulate the Isolation or Restoration of equipment before heading down to our practical training area to put their learnings into application. Our fully wired equipment has been designed to give students an instantaneous response to their switching. A mistake in the process will cause a response from the equipment, encouraging students to think through their steps in more detail while keeping the learning environment safe.
To see when our next available course is, visit our course calendar.