Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 6 2024

Competency Training is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (Principles) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). The Principles are designed to protect the confidentiality of information and the privacy of individuals by regulating the way personal information is managed.

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information is true or not and whether the information is recorded in a material form or not.

Competency Training collects certain personal information in order to understand and meet the needs of customers and provide the products and services they require.

Click here to access our Student Privacy Notice

Kinds of personal information collected and held

The kinds of personal information that we collect and hold may include information about:

  • Customers;
  • Shareholders;
  • Suppliers;
  • Employees;
  • Personal contacts at corporate clients or suppliers;
  • Applicants for employment with Competency Training ; and
  • Other people who come into contact in the ordinary course of business.

This personal information collected and held will depend upon the individual circumstances of the individual but may include names, addresses, contact details, employment history, and educational details.

We will obtain your consent prior to collecting, holding, using or disclosing your sensitive information, unless the collection of the information is required by law. Sensitive information is information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record that is also personal information, or health information about an individual, genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information, biometric information that it is to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or biometric information, or biometric templates.

How personal information is collected and held

This information is collected in a variety of ways, including by way of personal contact such as business activities and events, as well as mail, telephone, email and internet. Please note that our websites do not provide systems for secure transmission across the internet, except where indicated.

Companies within the Verbrec Group are not bound by the Principles in relation to handling of their own current or former employees’ records, if those records relate directly to the employment relationship.

The purposes for which personal information is collected, held, used and disclosed

In general, Competency Training may use or disclose personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide products and services to customers
  • To service shareholders
  • To communicate with contractors and suppliers
  • To provide administration for employees within the Competency Training Group
  • To provide ongoing information about our products and services to people that we believe may be interested
  • To help manage and enhance our products and services, including by surveying customers on their future needs
  • To consider applications for employment and
  • To comply with legal obligations.

We also use your personal information to promote and market products and services to you. This is to keep you informed of products, services and special offers and may continue after you cease to acquire services from us. If you do not wish us to contact you to promote and market products, services and special offers, or if you have subscribed to any of our newsletters or subscriptions and no longer wish to receive such communications, please call +61 7 3058 7000.

Also, if you are the contact person for a customer or supplier, we may use your personal information such as your name to manage our relationship with your organisation.

Depending on the product or service or issue concerned, we may disclose personal information to:

  • Service providers and specialist advisers who have been contracted to provide administrative, financial, research or other services
  • Insurers, credit providers, courts, tribunals and regulatory authorities (including the Australian Tax Office) as required or authorised by law
  • Credit reporting or reference agencies or insurance investigators or
  • Anyone authorised by an individual, as specified by that individual or the contract.

If you are a shareholder of Verbrec, you may be required to provide us with your tax file number, which is kept securely on the relevant share register. In accordance with Australian tax laws, we may provide certain advice to the Australian Tax Office, including dividend information.

Section 173 of the Corporations Act 2001 requires each of our companies to grant access on request to their share register. The share register sets out all shareholders’ names, addresses and share holdings. We may provide information from the share register to meet specific requests such as identifying the top 100 shareholders. Shareholder information is not knowingly disclosed for purposes other than those which we consider to be in the interests of the shareholder, the investor market, brokers, financial journals and market analysts.

Competency Training may disclose your personal information to your stockbroker, accountant, a family member or other person who you have authorised to be contacted on your behalf. In those circumstances, you will be required to identify that party as your authorised agent.

How an individual may access their personal information and seek its correction

Competency Training has implemented appropriate technological and organisational measures to assist us in ensuring that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. We realise however that your personal information may change frequently with changes of address and personal circumstance. Please contact us promptly at the address set out below to inform us of any changes to your personal information. Similarly, if you have subscribed to any of our newsletters or subscriptions, or are receiving promotional communications, and no longer wish to receive such communications, you may opt out of receiving them at any time.

Under the Principles, you usually have the right to obtain a copy of any personal information which Competency Training holds about you and to advise us of any perceived inaccuracy. We will consider any recommendation by you to change or correct information and advise you of the action taken. You may request to access your personal information by contacting us at the number or address set out below. Depending upon the personal information you seek, you may be asked:

  • To complete an Information Request Form; and/or
  • To verify your identity in writing.

Please note that in circumstances prescribed by the Privacy Act, you may be refused access to your personal information (for example, if providing access would be unlawful or would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals).

How an individual may complain if the APP’s are breached, and how the complaint will be handled

We expect our employees and contractors who handle personal information to comply with the Privacy Act and will take appropriate action in response to breaches of the obligations imposed by the Principles. Although we seek to engage external service providers who also comply with these requirements, we do not accept responsibility for the misuse of personal information by these third parties.

If you consider that any action taken by Competency Training breaches this Privacy Policy or the Principles, you can make a complaint by contacting us at the address set out below. We will endeavour to act promptly in response to any complaint.

Any complaint must be first made in writing to us.  Upon receipt of the written complaint, we will endeavour to investigate and respond in writing to any complaint within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.

Should you not be satisfied with our investigation and/or response to your complaint, you may take that complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (for more information please visit

Disclosure of personal information to overseas recipients

As Competency Training is a company with offices based in both Australia and New Zealand it is likely that your personal information may be disclosed between Competency Training offices in Australia and New Zealand.

The use of that personal information by any overseas recipient is the same as the use by Competency Training Australia and as set out above in this policy document.

How to contact us

You can contact Competency Training about a privacy-related issue by email, phone or post.

Phone: 1300 872 585


Competency Training Pty Ltd
Level 14
200 Mary Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

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